Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Nature of Light - Part 1 (From Newton to Young)

Mohsen Mirtalebi


Prof. Maher Rizkalla

Final Report

Photoelectric Effect in Charge Couple Devices

2009 Update: I wrote this paper several years ago as the final report to a single credit summer course for a college project. I do not intend to change its structure as it reflects a stance of my life.


This paper is to bring a mathematical model of light from Maxwell and Einstein’s points of view and the effect of photon on MOSFET devices. The article will start an introductory concept of light through Newton law and then it proceeds to show the evolution of our understanding about light in electromagnetic form as well as it as an entity in quantum mechanics. Then this paper will emphasize on the mathematical model of light in post electromagnetic form explained by photon model. Finally, it will adopt the photon form of light to explain the photoelectric energy conversion in charge-coupled devices. It has been always fascinating for me to write and talk about light.

From Newton to Einstein

Isaac Newton recognized light as a beam of particles. His theory about light could very well answer why light travels in a straight line. In addition, his theory could comply with rules in geometric optics and the properties of mirror, lenses, and prism. In the Newtonian fashion, light is shown as a straight line.

The glass prism spreads white light out into a spectrum. (Baierlein, 16)

But Newton’s theory failed when it came to explain diffraction and interference of light. Thomas Young set up an experiment that Newton’s theory could not answer the mechanism of the his experiment. He allowed sunlight to pass through a pinhole in the sheet S1 and then pass through two pinholes in sheet S2 and observing the result on the sheet S3. The result was bunch of dark and light stripes.

Young’s experiment’s set up. (Goldin, 91)

Young’s experiment’s real results. (Goldin, 90)

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